Focus on saturating the ground with fire, lobbing Thermite Grenades, Incendiary Traps, and initiating Firewall attacks. If you aren’t getting the desired results with the Expedition or Brute Loadouts, consider switching to Scorch. Mobility is key, so make liberal use of lateral dashes to dodge incoming Leadwall and electrical Arc Wave attacks. Consider equipping the Expedition or Brute Loadout, as both have relatively fast-firing weapons and a Vortex Shield. AshĪsh’s Ronin Titan is fast and nimble, specializing in close-quarters combat. Follow up with an aggressive attack, pounding Kane with continuous 40mm rounds and Tracking Rockets. Salvo Core can take down Kane’s shields and a good portion of his Titan’s armor. When Salvo Core becomes available, get ready to make an aggressive push. Equip the Tone Loadout and keep moving while scoring hits with the Tone Loadout’s 40mm Tracker Cannon and Tracking Rockets. Kane pilots a Scorch Titan, specializing in short-range, fire-based attacks. Here are some tips to help you survive each boss fight.
Boss Battlesĭuring the campaign, Jack Cooper and BT encounter a series of mercenary Pilots hired by the IMC. Use the distraction caused by activated Stalkers to slip away and flank your enemies. Like hacked Spectres, these Stalkers will now fight for you. Target the green-lit panel on the charging nodes using the Arc Tool to activate the Stalkers. During The Beacon mission, you find some dormant Stalkers resting on charging nodes. Unlike Spectres, they can’t be hacked with your Data Knife. Stalkers are another robotic enemy, new to Titanfall 2. A hacked Spectre won’t deal tons of damage, but they draw fire, greatly increasing your chances of survival. Hacking Spectres is a great way to turn the odds in your favor. Rather, the Spectre is now on your side, attacking your enemies. Once hacked, a Spectre is no longer a threat to you. Spectre/Stalker HackingĪs in Titanfall, you can use your Data Knife to hack the robotic Spectres this only works in the single-player campaign. Cycle through your available loadouts and find the right set of tools for the job at hand. While you access this database menu, the game is paused.

For example, some loadouts are better suited for close range engagements, while others are best deployed at long range. Make a habit of switching loadouts as dictated by the ever-changing tactical situation.

As new loadouts are acquired, access BT’s Loadout Database to switch weapons. Throughout the campaign you’ll encounter new weapon loadouts for BT-7274, Jack Cooper’s Titan. Speed is essential when evading incoming fire-the faster you move, the more difficult it is for enemies to track and hit you. Following a slide, jump and commence a new wallrun to preserve speed. You can initiate a slide even before landing: as you drop, press the crouch button/key to automatically transition into a slide upon landing. Sliding is an excellent way to maintain momentum upon landing from a jump or wallrun. If you initiate a crouch while running, your Pilot will slide along the ground for a few meters. It also offers greater stability when firing a weapon. Crouching is helpful for squeezing into tight spots. Stringing together multiple wallruns is a hallmark of Pilot mobility-always scan ahead to see what vertical surfaces you can run across. Utilizing Jump Kits, Pilots have a distinct advantage on the battlefield, making them capable of wallrunning, wallhanging, and double jumping.